Why our Hosting
Why it's worth to choose PrivateHost ?
Our Data centers are situated in the United States, India, United Kingdom, Turkey and Hong Kong. Powered by two stand-alone substations and connected to over 17 fiber- optic providers.



Technical Support

Complete Solutions
How we do it ?
World Class Premium Website Hosting with Latest Fetures, Hosted in robust hardware, cloud compatible operating systems, smart phone compatible emails, Arrow Shield security and easy integration with third party payment gateways.
We are leader in linux reseller hosting in India. All our hosting plans come with Cpanel, control panel which allows you manage key functions such as creating hosting packages, adding a domain name, enabling / disabling features, view resource usage such as disk space, bandwidth etc.
We In Private host Analyze your Website Hosting Plan and Our Consultant advice suitable plan to your website. Website Hosting plays most important role in search engine visibility and ranking.
- 99.99% Uptime Guaranty.
- Satisfaction or money refund guaranteed
- State of ART Security
- 24 Hours Support
- We provide best Data center
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